Hi Mumma!

Welcome to the chaotic world of motherhood! Congratulations, mama-to-be! You're about to embark on an incredible journey filled with joy, sleepless nights, and more love than you can imagine. As you prepare for the arrival of your little one, it's important to remember to take care of yourself amidst the whirlwind of excitement. 

A few weeks ago we covered all things Hospital Bag for your little one. Now it's time to deep dive into all things you!  We know you're busy preparing for your little bundle of joy, but don't forget about yourself! It's natural to focus most of your energy on preparing for your baby's arrival. From setting up the nursery (Don't worry we have you covered there too!) to washing those tiny baby clothes, there's always something to keep you occupied. 

Below, we'll help you pack your hospital bag with all the essentials for your comfort and sanity. Fear not, supermum! We're here to lend a helping hand and make sure you don't overlook any important items when it comes to packing your hospital bag. We'll provide you with a checklist of essential items that will keep you comfortable, entertained, and feeling like the amazing mama you are. From cozy pajamas to snacks for survival, we've got you covered.

Cozy pajamas: Sleep on a cloud and feel comfortable during late-night feedings. Boost your mood and well-being.

We also have created a Free Canva Template for you to use. Its completely editable so you can customise it to suite your needs and desires. Print it out and pop it on your fridge and you can slowly start checking off your list.

Clipboard and pencil sitting on a benchtop with a Snuggly Jacks Hospital Bag Packing Checklist

So, let's dive in and get you packed and ready for your big day.

1. Comfort Comes First - Clothing Essentials for Hospital Stays

~ Pajamas: The comfier, the better! When you're in the hospital, the last thing you want is to be stuck in an itchy, uncomfortable gown. Pack your favorite pair of cozy pajamas that make you feel like you're sleeping on a cloud. Opt for button-down tops or nursing-friendly styles for easy access during those late-night feedings. Trust us, a little comfort goes a long way in boosting your mood and overall well-being.

~ Slippers and cozy socks: Ok so it always happens to be freezing cold in a hospital!  Bring your own pair of slippers or slipper socks to keep your tootsies warm and cozy. Plus, they'll make those late-night trips to the bathroom a little more enjoyable. Choose a pair with non-slip soles for added safety and peace of mind.

~ Maternity bras and nursing pads: Support and leak-proofing for the win. During your hospital stay, it's essential to have the right support for your changing body. Pack a couple of comfortable maternity bras that provide adequate support and ease of nursing. Don't forget to include nursing pads to keep any unexpected leaks at bay. Trust us, they can be a real lifesaver!

~ Big, comfy underwear: Trust us, you'll appreciate the extra room. After giving birth, you'll want to prioritize comfort in every way possible. Pack a few pairs of big, comfy underwear ( I'm talking like your grandma wears!) that accommodate those lovely postpartum pads. Opt for high-waisted or disposable options for maximum comfort and convenience. Remember, it's all about making yourself feel as comfortable and at ease as possible during this special time.

2. Pampering Essentials - All The Toiletries Mum needs for her Hospital Stay.

~ Shower Essentials: Bring your favorite shampoo, conditioner, and body wash for that spa-like experience. Who says you can't have a little luxury during your hospital stay? Packing travel-sized versions of your favorite toiletries will add a touch of indulgence to your routine. Opt for your preferred shampoo, conditioner, and body wash to make your showers feel like a mini spa getaway. Don't forget other essentials like a toothbrush, toothpaste, and face wash to keep yourself feeling fresh and revitalized.

~ Moisturizer and lip balm: Hospital air can be harsh, so keep your skin glowing. Hospitals can have dry air that may leave your skin feeling parched. Combat that by packing your trusted moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated and radiant. Additionally, don't forget to bring along a lip balm to prevent chapped lips and keep your smile glowing. After all, a little self-care goes a long way in boosting your mood and overall well-being.

~ Hair ties and or headbands: Keep that gorgeous mane tamed during labor. Labor can be intense, and the last thing you want to worry about is your hair getting in the way. Pack some hair ties or scrunchies to keep your locks secured in a ponytail or bun. If you prefer a stylish touch, throw in a few headbands to add some flair to your look. You'll feel more comfortable and focused knowing your hair is under control and out of your face.

Labor playlist: Uplift and inspire yourself with favorite tunes. Let music be your companion during intense moments.

3. Entertainment - What Mum Needs To Get Through Labour.

~ Books or e-readers: Dive into your favorite novel to escape the hospital environment. When you're in the hospital, time can sometimes feel like it's standing still. That's where a good book or e-reader comes to the rescue! Escape into a captivating story, immerse yourself in a thrilling mystery, or indulge in some self-help inspiration. Choose books that you've been meaning to read or old favorites that never fail to transport you to another world. It's the perfect way to pass the time and keep your mind engaged.

~ Music and headphones: Create your own labor playlist for those intense moments. Music has a way of soothing the soul and transporting us to different emotional landscapes. Create a labor playlist filled with your favorite tunes that uplift and inspire you. Whether it's calming melodies, empowering anthems, or songs that bring back beautiful memories, let the music be your companion during those intense moments. Don't forget to pack a comfortable pair of headphones to fully immerse yourself in the rhythm and lyrics.

~ Puzzle books or magazines: Keep your mind occupied during the waiting game. During your hospital stay, there may be moments of waiting and anticipation. Why not keep your mind engaged with puzzle books or magazines? Crossword puzzles, Sudoku, word searches, or even adult coloring books can provide a welcome distraction and help pass the time. They're not only entertaining but also stimulate your brain and keep your cognitive skills sharp.

Healthy snacks: Nourish your body for recovery and breastfeeding. Fresh fruit, yogurt, and whole grain crackers for post-labor healing.

~ Movies or TV shows: Create a mini entertainment center on your device. If you have access to a tablet or smartphone, why not create a mini entertainment center? Download your favorite movies, TV shows, or streaming apps to enjoy during your stay. Whether you prefer binge-watching a series or catching up on the latest blockbuster films, having your own personal entertainment options will make those quiet moments more enjoyable. Don't forget your charger or a portable battery pack to ensure you can power up your devices.

4. Snacks - All the essential food details!

~ Energy-boosting snacks: Stay fueled during labor with healthy treats. Labor can be a marathon, and you'll need all the energy you can get. Pack a variety of energy-boosting snacks to keep you fueled throughout the process. Granola bars, trail mix, nuts, and dried fruit are all excellent options that provide a quick burst of energy. Opt for snacks that are easy to grab and eat, requiring minimal preparation or refrigeration.

~ Chocolate or other guilty pleasures: Because you deserve a little indulgence! While it's important to prioritize healthy snacks, a little indulgence can go a long way in boosting your mood. Pack a small stash of your favorite chocolate or other guilty pleasures. When you need a pick-me-up or a moment of sweetness, these treats will be there to satisfy your cravings and provide a moment of indulgence. Remember, you're doing an amazing job, and a small indulgence can be a well-deserved reward.

~ Water bottle: Stay hydrated and conquer contractions like a boss. Staying hydrated is essential during labor and throughout your hospital stay. Pack a reusable water bottle to keep by your side at all times. Drinking water will not only keep you refreshed but also help you stay focused and maintain your strength. Sip on water regularly to ensure you're well-hydrated and ready to conquer those contractions like the superwoman you are.

~ Healthy snacks for post-labor recovery: Nourish your body as you begin your journey as a new mum. After the arrival of your little one, your body will need nourishment for recovery and breastfeeding. Pack some healthy snacks like fresh fruit, yogurt, or whole grain crackers to support your post-labor healing process. These snacks will provide essential nutrients and keep you satisfied as you embark on the incredible journey of motherhood.

5. Miscellaneous Must Haves 

~ Phone charger and portable battery pack: Capture those precious moments and stay connected. Your phone is a lifeline during your hospital stay. It allows you to capture precious moments, share updates with loved ones, and stay connected with the outside world. Don't forget to pack your phone charger and, if possible, a portable battery pack. This way, you'll always have a way to keep your phone powered up and ready to go.

~ Comfortable going-home outfit: Show off your postpartum style as you leave the hospital. As you prepare to leave the hospital and begin your journey as a new mum, why not do it in style? Pack a comfortable yet stylish going-home outfit that makes you feel confident and fabulous. Opt for loose-fitting clothes, like a maxi dress or comfortable joggers paired with a cozy top. Don't forget to choose shoes that are easy to slip on, as your feet might still be a little swollen.

~ List of important contacts: Make sure you have everyone's numbers handy. In the excitement of preparing for your hospital stay, it's easy to forget to bring a list of important contacts. Jot down the phone numbers of your partner, family members, and close friends who you may need to reach during your stay. 

Remember mumma that your comfort is the most important thing when it comes to your hospital stay. Preparing and setting yourself up for comfort will ensure you are stress free and able to enjoy those first few days with your little one. By packing these essential items, you'll be ready to conquer the hospital stay with style, comfort, and a few laughs along the way. 

